Site icon The Giant Brain

I’m back

I’ve been pretty quiet on the Game Design front for a while, but UK Games Expo has given me the impetus to get going again. I’ll be down at the con with some prototypes, hopefully on the official Playtest track as well as wandering the halls, playing Doomtown on the Sunday and generally getting in as much gaming goodness as I can.

With me I’ll have Nobel Intentions, Minions and a Conspiracy based mini game. Might have more but it will depend on what I can get done between now and the con.

This Blog is where you will find all the new stuff about my games, design and critique of anything I’ve played. Not sure what I’m doing about a webshop as yet but there will be updates to that in the not too distant future.

Looking forward to getting back into Design and looking at all the new things at Expo.

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