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UK Games Expo 2018 – Day 4

Here it is folks the last day of Expo and I am writing this whilst travelling homewards to Dalkeith (polished off once I reached my destination). I had a total blast this weekend and it was a much need de-stress. I hope I have managed to shoutout to everyone I’ve met through my Twitter, Instagram, and blog posts. If I have missed you out, please know that no matter how short or long our interaction was you went some way to making my con the best one I have been to yet. My sincerest gratitude.

I was pretty tired by Day 4 so didn’t get a huge amount done today but I did get a demo of a very interesting game that I’ll be diving into more with a First Thoughts post that will be coming soon.

Really liked the graphic design of this one

Hub Games

I’d been keeping a weather eye on Hub Games since they released Untold but that wasn’t why I had made one of my few appointments with the company was their recently announced title Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr, a game about helping retrieve the memories of man who has recently recovered from a massive heart attack and is currently in your care. Working as the nursing team, you are trying to find out more about Billy, to help come to terms with his past: a fascinating and difficult subject matter.

I did a little more shopping picking up some lovely acrylic standees for my D&D 5th edition game and generally wandering and staring into the middle distance.

A note of thanks

I had an absolutely fantastic time over my 4 days at expo and that was in same way down to each and every person I met no matter how short or long that interaction. Check out my previous 3 articles for thoughts on games and links to companies:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

I’d especially like to thank Alley Cat Games and Wotan Games who both took time to hear a pitch from me. I’ll be writing about that experience separately as part of my Confessions of an Amateur Designer series.

I managed to secure a few press copies and I felt a lot more comfortable pushing myself as a “journalist” this year. I am really hoping to get the whole of the Giant Brain team down for the next one so we can put out even more content, see more games and help guide you through the huge number of games that are on display.

A final word

I find myself filled with a renewed love for my hobby of choice. It has never been larger, the games and audience never more diverse and as it grows I hope we all remember that bringing together people of all stripes is what gaming is all about. From the simplest family game to the complicated, hours long epics, from basic card games to wartorn battlefields we are all just looking to interact with other people, to share moments of triumph and tales of defeat and above all, to have fun. 

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