Tagged: criticism

Eye of the Beholder

Another day, another article inspired by the hottest of takes on that platform of reasonable debate and mature discussion, Twitter. This hot take There is no doubt that in the last decade the art...

Getting it

In a recent conversation I had on Twitter I was told I didn’t ‘get’ the Star Trek Adventures RPG, my review of which is pretty negative. This did two things. Firstly it annoyed me,...


Our hobby is one filled with great excess; huge games, buckets of miniatures, deluxe editions, and thousands of releases a year. Many try to stay on top of the treadmill of games, constantly hankering...


New Year’s resolutions are awful. Society puts pressure on us all to declare a new page of our lives at the stroke of midnight on 31st December: get fitter, read more books, cut out...

We’ve Got the Fear

Convention season is upon us once more. Gencon and Essen are on the horizon and following close behind them are thousands of new releases. Our news feeds will be flooded by tantalising tabletop treasures,...